We Tested: Life Hacks

07 March 2018

Scrolling through social media, you’ve probably stumbled across plenty of videos with tricks to make your life easier, also known as “life hacks.” Recently, the Opto-Réseau team noticed that some of these videos attempt to tackle common problems for people who wear glasses. So we decided to investigate and find out if they really work or are best ignored. (You’ll notice that our opticians have a marked preference for the second option!)

Using toothpaste to fix scratched lenses

Whoever came up with this hack must be living on another planet. Smearing toothpaste on your glasses is more likely to ruin your lens treatment than fix any scratches. We’re talking about the thin protective coating carefully applied to your glasses when they’re manufactured, as well as any blue blocking or anti reflective coating you may have. If your glasses are scratched, the granules in the toothpaste will at best accomplish nothing, and at worst scratch them further.


Using bar soap as an antifog coating

First of all, NEVER leave your glasses near a heat source, let alone over a pot of boiling water! We just can’t say this enough: your frames—especially if they’re made of acetate—and your lenses are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. That’s why we advise against leaving your glasses in the car in the summer. If you want your glasses to last, read this Glasses Maintenance and Adjustment Guide and follow our 5 Commandments. As for soap specifically (bar soap, no less!), once it dries, it’s more likely to impede your vision than prevent fogging.


Using elastics to stop your glasses from sliding off

One of the advantages of buying your glasses from an optician is the adjustment service included with the purchase, which includes adjusting the fit of your frames. Opticians adjust the temples, nose pads, and even the temple tips to make sure your frames are a perfect fit. If your glasses are sliding so much that you decide to put elastic bands on the temple tips, come and see us.  We’ll be happy to help! It’s normal for your frames to loosen a bit over time, which is why subsequent adjustments are included with your purchase.

Other videos recommend using a matte base on the nose pads to stop your glasses from sliding. Again, instead of resorting to less than ideal solutions, just stop in to see your optician for an adjustment. 

Using the table test to see if your frames are properly adjusted

Don’t fret if both temple tips don’t lie flat when you set your glasses on the table. Everyone’s unique—including you. If one of the temple tips is hovering, it just means one of your ears is a little higher than the other, and your glasses were adjusted accordingly. If they sit comfortably on your ears and nose, they’re fine. Trust us. We’re professionals! 

Use glow in the dark nail polish to make it easier to find your glasses

First of all, why would you want to mess up your glasses with nail polish? Secondly, do you really want your glasses to glow in the dark?

Remember: anyone can make a video and post it online. For solid advice on looking after your frames and lenses, forget Google! Talk to your eye care professional.

  • Glasses care


To find the best pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for your needs, book an appointment at your Opto-Réseau clinic. Our eyecare professionals will be more than happy to help you pick the frames and lenses that are perfect for you!