Virginie Roy tests the MyDay daily replacement contact lenses

06 August 2018

By Virginie Roy, Truly V Truly Me blogger 

Virginie is a young mom, ex-teacher, mannequin, sports addict and a bit hyperactive… She talks (a lot), she writes, she dreams but after all, she is passionate about every beautiful thing!

It’s no secret—sometimes I wear glasses, and more often than not, I don’t. Not that I don’t love them, quite the contrary. I probably wear them more often than I otherwise would because I love them! But I think anyone who wears glasses will agree—when you’re active and always on the go, wearing a piece of plastic on your face is not the greatest.

And in a heatwave, it’s even worse. :/ I’ve had trouble with my vision since I was quite young. I think I got my first pair of glasses in Grade 5. They were octagonal and blue. They were amazing—not. I was farsighted. And no, I don’t have photos. :P

Next I was diagnosed with astigmatism. Quite the package deal. I explain my vision like this—I focus my eyes the same way you would a camera lens. I’m not even joking. It’s my decision. If I strain my eyes, my vision is 12/10. If I “release” them, I can only see colours. Everything becomes fuzzy and I can’t function. A whopping 2/10.

I’d tried contact lenses in the past, but I was never comfortable with them. Either I couldn’t see properly, or the football shape of my eyes made wearing lenses really uncomfortable.

Opto-Réseau convinced me to try a new kind of contacts—My Day disposable lenses by CooperVision. They’re ultra-light, easy to put in, and good for the whole day! There’s no need to lug around a kit with solution and a lens case. They’re really handy when you’re on the go! Or if you’re camping and don’t want to bring a lot of stuff with you.

I’m really happy I discovered these lenses. I don’t think I’ll wear them every day—my eyes still work well enough (haha)—but when I play sports, especially when it’s hot out, my glasses will stay on the sidelines! The contact lenses are super breathable—they don’t dry out my eyes at all and are incredibly soft because they’re made of silicone hydrogel. And I didn’t even know contact lenses could do this, but they provide UV protection. It’s like 8 products in 1 haha. I’m new to contacts, and it only took me a minute to put them in. It really wasn’t complicated. It’s almost faster than washing your glasses, and that’s a pretty darn convincing argument.

I’ve been wearing them for a few days now and even though they were very comfortable at the start, it took me two or three days to fully appreciate how comfortable they are. When you put something in your eye, obviously you’re going to feel it for the first few days. But give them a chance and you won’t be disappointed. If you’re curious and want to give these lenses a try, make an appointment at the Opto-Réseau clinic nearest you! And make sure to look out for my upcoming posts—I’ll be sharing a contest soon that I think you’ll like. ;)


  • Contact lenses


To find the best pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for your needs, book an appointment at your Opto-Réseau clinic. Our eyecare professionals will be more than happy to help you pick the frames and lenses that are perfect for you!