From September 3 to December 31, 2024, new users of Acuvue Oasys 1-Day and Oasys MAX 1-Day lenses will receive $25 off and $100 mail-in rebate with the purchase of a 6-month supply, or $65 off and $200 mail-in rebate with the purchase of a 1-year supply. Existing users of Acuvue Oasys 1-Day and Oasys MAX 1-Day lenses will receive $25 off and $50 mail-in rebate with the purchase of a 6-month supply, or $65 off and $120 mail-in rebate with the purchase of a 1-year supply. Please note that lenses are non-refundable and this offer cannot be combined with other promotions. Some conditions apply. Offer valid in-clinic only.
Dr. Alain Côté, optometrist.